Indeks: 841333109202
Wydawca: Fantasy Flight Games
Star Wars Legion - Clone Wars Core Set
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The Rebellion is made up of beings from countless worlds, all standing united in opposition to the tyranny of the Empire. No matter what world they hail from, every Rebel trooper dedicates their life to fighting on the front lines for the cause of the Rebellion.
Now, you can add even more diversity to your Rebel ranks with the new miniatures and upgrades found in the Rebel Troopers Upgrade Expansion.
Star Wars: Legion - Rebel Troopers Upgrade Expansion contains four unpainted, finely sculpted soft plastic Rebel Trooper miniatures to enhance your existing Rebel Trooper units or to form one corps unit, along with new heavy weapon and personnel upgrade options.
Add even more personnel to your fight against the Empire. Inspire your troops with an Ishi Tib Rebel Trooper Captain or make your unit even more versatile with a Gran Rebel Trooper Specialist.
New troops bring additional weapons to your battles. Add an Ithorian SX-21 Trooper to your unit for a powerful short-range attack or cover your armies from afar with a Theelin DLT-20A Trooper.
Na razie nie dodano żadnej recenzji.
Indeks: 841333109202
Wydawca: Fantasy Flight Games
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Wielu Bothan zginęło, by zdobyć te plany....