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Rebelianci i stworzenia z zimniej planety Hoth
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The windswept plains of Hoth are treacherous even to native beasts, but tauntaun riders are trained to expertly handle their surefooted mounts, searching tirelessly for signs of the Empire. The tauntauns themselves can be quite dangerous, and few enemies wish to find themselves in the path of these ferocious snow lizards.
Within Star Wars: Legion - Tauntaun Riders Unit Expansion you’ll find two unique unpainted tauntaun rider miniatures, enough for one support unit, along with a new unit card for you to field in battle. Your tauntaun’s natural speed and defense mechanisms make them useful in a number of situations, of course, and this pack also contains three upgrade cards that give you the freedom to find a role for them that fits your particular battle plan.
Support your Rebel armies with the two finely-detailed, beautifully-sculpted tauntaun rider miniatures found in this expansion! Two unique tauntaun riders stride across the frigid wastes of Hoth, their DL-44 blaster pistols at the ready.
Na razie nie dodano żadnej recenzji.
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Wydawca: Fantasy Flight Games
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Wydawca: Fantasy Flight Games
Odważni i zaradni!
Rebelianci i stworzenia z zimniej planety Hoth