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Ciężki czołg bojowy uzbrojony w laserowe działa MX-8
With the Star Wars: Legion - AAT Trade Federation Battle Tank Unit Expansion, you can add one of these heavy tanks to your Separatist army. The unpainted, finely-detailed miniature you find here can be constructed with its hatch closed or with a B1 Battle Droid scanning the horizon for new targets.
In addition to this miniature, you'll find everything you need to fully customize it to your personal strategy, including eight upgrade cards and a unit card.
Blast your enemies with the superior firepower of an AAT Trade Federation Battle Tank! In addition to its anti-personnel lasers and MX-8 Artillery Laser Cannon, the AAT tank can be equipped with a range of shells that unlock even more tactical options!
Na razie nie dodano żadnej recenzji.
Indeks: 841333109202
Wydawca: Fantasy Flight Games
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Wydawca: Fantasy Flight Games
Zestaw startowy dla dwóch graczy!
Ciężki czołg bojowy uzbrojony w laserowe działa MX-8