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Indeks: 841333109202
Wydawca: Fantasy Flight Games
Star Wars Legion - Clone Wars Core Set
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Czterech wysoko wykwalifikowanych żołnierzy
While Jedi Generals like Anakin Skywalker lead the Grand Army of the Republic into battle, clone troopers keep it running at peak efficiency. Some clones even combine the skill at arms and genetic template all clones share with further specialized training in areas like communications and engineering to support Republic operations on the ground.
This expansion puts four clone specialists at your command, giving you new ways to fill your units' personnel slots. Additionally, the clone commander found in this expansion can lead an individual unit or your entire army and three new command cards that can be used by any Republic commander open up a host of new strategic options.
Na razie nie dodano żadnej recenzji.
Indeks: 841333109202
Wydawca: Fantasy Flight Games
Zestaw startowy dla dwóch graczy!
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Wydawca: Fantasy Flight Games
Prawdziwa kosmiczna gangsta!