Indeks: 841333109202
Wydawca: Fantasy Flight Games
Star Wars Legion - Clone Wars Core Set
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Bezwzględny generał!
General, prepare your troops for a surface attack.
- Darth Vader, Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
Within the Star Wars: Legion - General Veers Commander Expansion, you’ll find all the materials that you need to add General Veers to your army as a commander - leading an army on his own or standing side-by-side with another Imperial commander, such as Darth Vader.
This expansion pack offers an unpainted General Veers miniature and his three personal command cards, inviting you to bring Veers’ personal touch to the Imperial armies that you lead into battle. What’s more, like other Unit Expansions for Star Wars: Legion, this Commander Expansion includes a unit card for General Veers and an assortment of upgrade cards that you can use to equip General Veers or another unit for battle in even the most hostile environments.
Na razie nie dodano żadnej recenzji.
Indeks: 841333109202
Wydawca: Fantasy Flight Games
Zestaw startowy dla dwóch graczy!
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Wydawca: Fantasy Flight Games
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Wydawca: Fantasy Flight Games
Szarmancki i nieokiełznany przemytnik!